
Showing posts from December, 2018

Wikipedia Trail... From Paranormal to Subatomic Particles

Paranormal I started here because this is something that interests me. I recently watched the series 'House on Haunted Hill," and it made me very interested to this topic. These are often things that can't be explained and that makes them a little more spooky. Ghost Hunting I clicked here because I have always been interested in ghost hunting. I am sure there are people that aren't scared when it comes to these so props to them. Even if ghosts are just spirits of the deceased, it can still be scary to face. Ghost. [ source ] Electromagnetic Field This was interesting to me because when I used to watch ghost hunting shows they talked about this a lot. Many of them use specific technology to identify where ghosts are. I still don't really understand how a ghost is electrically charged but I will be looking more into it. Subatomic Particle I am not sure how I ended here. I went form here to watch a youtube video on it because that is what helped me whe...

Famous Last Words... Fresh Start

This past semester has been tough and it has taught me a lot. I think that there have been plenty of times where I have doubted myself and that has shown through. I also think I need to start being more disciplined and accountable for my actions. I want that to set the foundation for the new year. I sometimes think about not wanting to be in the same place as last year and so far I am not doing a very good job. This semester has been the perfect example of that. Things from the my past have consistently resonated throughout the year and I think it is time that I let those things go and actually start from scratch. The upcoming year I want to be more focused on quality over quantity. I think that there are time where I sacrifice the quality of work that I put out because I want to get as much done as possible. I want to be more focused on working to my actual potential. There are times where I know what 100% looks like and I don't put that effort to achieve that. If I was to put m...

Reading Notes... Jataka Tales (Part B)

Title : Jataka Tales Author : Ellen C. Babbitt The Elephant Girly-face: The elephant named Girly-face was a good elephant and he was never mean to anyone. One night he heard robbers talking about killing and he decided to kill. Once the king found out about this, he sent some men to talk about good things. Once the elephant heard, he became kind again.  The Ox Who Envied the Pig: The wondered why the pig got the good food and  they   didn't . He was then told that it was because the pig would be eaten. A few days later he was killed and feasted upon. So the ox was happy eating the food he had all along. Granny's  Blackie: The elephant wanted to help Granny work because he saw how old and tired she had gotten. He was hired to carry wagons over and they paid him two silver coins for each. Once he was done, he took the coins to granny. After this, the elephant did all the hard work and Granny rested.  Blackie and the kids. [ source ]

Story Lab... Empo Word

Chapter Two : Telling a Story Narration: A rhetorical mode that you likely engage on a daily basis. Choices in narration can make a beautiful and creative story. Plot refers to the actual events that take place. Related elements are scope, sequence, and pacing. Scope defines what the boundaries of the plot are. Sequence and pacing have to the with the order of events and their tempo in the story. In media res- in the middle of things. suggests that you start a story with action. Point of view can influence the plot of a story greatly. When telling a story. [ source ]

Review... Last one

Image Source Being able to identify the constraints and plan accordingly is important because it will help with the execution of the project itself. Many times we let those things hinder our success with a project at hand but learning to identify and eliminate will help long term. 

Learning Challenge... Follow-up

Last week I decided to do the yoga workout. I am currently at a military school and we conduct physical training every morning. Somedays we do not have enough time to stretch good enough because we have so much going on. I found this very useful this week because I was able to stretch at my desk. Even though I was not doing full stretches it still definitely helped with the little kinks here and there. This could be very helpful for those people that have a stationary office job and get little breaks to stretch out. I am going to continue doing these exercises. I am also going to be adding small exercises for when I start getting very sleepy and have trouble staying awake.  Eventually. [ source ]

Growth Mindset... Cats Part Three

I like this because I think it is very relevant to a lot of cases nowadays. Many people do not think before they reply and that brings a lot of conflict and confusion. This is something that I am working on because I can save myself so much trouble by thinking before replying. [ source ] This one is important because we must all be willing to learn. We can grow so much and teach others. Many times we tend to take notes just to pass the test but we often don't make the effort to actually learn the concept and care about it.  [ source ]

Tech Tip... Embed Video

What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness Click here to go to the video.

Reading Notes... Shakuntala and Other Works (Part A)

Title : Shakuntala and Other Works Author : Kalidasa The Hunt: The horses begin to approach the deer as the chariot moves steadily. They tell the king that the deer belong to the hermitage so that he  won't  be killed. He decides not kill him and everyone is joyful and thankful to the king.  The Secret: The king neglects his royal duties to live in the forest. The clown begs for time off. The king then asks him to follow him to another task once he is rested.  Image from the poem. [ source ]

Reading Notes...Jataka Tales (Part A)

Title : Jataka Tales Author : H.T. Francis and E. J. Thomas The King and the Stick-Gatherer: The king brings the boy and tells him no one but him will nurture him.  Many  were there to  receive   the  Bodhisatta. The Cold Half of the Month:  The tiger and the lion were arguing about which half of the month was cold. The Bodhisatta tells them that they are both right. He was able to settle their dispute.  The lion and the tiger. [ source ]

Reading Notes... The Tortoise and the Geese and Other Fables of Bidpai (Part A)

Title : The Tortoise and the Geese and Other Fables of Bidpai Author : Maude Dutton The  Carpenter and the Ape: The Ape wanted to try splitting wood and when he did  his tail got caught until the carpenter came back. The Ape. [ source ] The Three Fish One fish swam away because he was smart. The second fish was not as smart but played dead and wasn't caught. The third wasn't smart at all and was caught. The Fox and the Piece of Meat: The fox found meat but though it wasn't enough and wanted to eat the hens. Ultimately, he dropped the piece of meat and was scared away from the hens. He ended up losing the meat also. 


[ source ] I really liked this video. The boy seemed grumpy when he looked in the box and found the puppy missing a leg. It made sense as to why he was probably mad. Once he became accustomed to the puppy he was able to enjoy him. The puppy also encouraged him to go outside versus staying in and playing video games. 

Growth Mindset... The cats again

[ source ] I like this one because I think that this is something I have never really thought about. Sometimes we take feedback negatively but this image makes a very good point. [ source ] This one I also like because I am usually not the type of person to take risks. I tend to be scared and run back to my comfort zone. It is definitely important to remember that there can be a lot gained from taking risks in the long run. 

Famous Last Words... Surviving the semester

So this year has been very weird because I actually had to take all of my finals 3 weeks in advance. It was by far the hardest semester I have had. I took 6 exams in one day and 2 the next day. Ally of my papers and projects were due those days as well. None of this was by choice however. I am in the military and two months ago I was told that I was going to be getting sent to a school for three weeks. This school happened to fall during dead week and finals. Luckily, my professors agreed to let me turn in all of my stuff early. One one side it was great but on the other I knew it would be stressful! I had to study back to back and although I wanted to enjoy my family, there was just no time. I am not sure how I feel about the exams themselves because it was a lot to process all at once. I sat in a testing room in the HES building for almost four hours doing exams back to back. Currently, I am in Nebraska and we got hit with a snowstorm. I do like the snow but I rather be in Oklaho...

Learning Challenge... deskercizes

I chose to focus on the yoga exercises that can be done at a desk. Shoulder rolls is one of my favorites because it releases tension on the shoulders without having to get extra equipment or take up too much time. The neck stretch was another favorite because sometimes when I do it right it definitely gets my neck to pop and make it more comfortable. Lastly, the chair twist is for sure my number one favorite cause almost always my back pops and it feels great. Stretch. [ source ]

Tech Tips... Canvas Dashboard

I think that the Canvas Dashboard is much more efficient than D2L. My courses are so much easier to manage. I was able to figure out how to set the different views that I wanted for the icons. I went through and configured my dashboard so that it would be what worked best for me. Overall, I really like the set up of it and its use.