Wikipedia Trail... From Paranormal to Subatomic Particles

Paranormal I started here because this is something that interests me. I recently watched the series 'House on Haunted Hill," and it made me very interested to this topic. These are often things that can't be explained and that makes them a little more spooky. Ghost Hunting I clicked here because I have always been interested in ghost hunting. I am sure there are people that aren't scared when it comes to these so props to them. Even if ghosts are just spirits of the deceased, it can still be scary to face. Ghost. [ source ] Electromagnetic Field This was interesting to me because when I used to watch ghost hunting shows they talked about this a lot. Many of them use specific technology to identify where ghosts are. I still don't really understand how a ghost is electrically charged but I will be looking more into it. Subatomic Particle I am not sure how I ended here. I went form here to watch a youtube video on it because that is what helped me whe...