Reading Notes...The Giant Crab, and Other Tales from Old India (Part B)

The Giant Crab, and Other Tales from Old India
W. H. D. Rouse

Spend a Pound to Win a Penny: The monkey dropped one pea and he was so greedy that he ended up losing all his other peas too. 

Lacknose: The gardener was not please at the two little boys that asked for posies in a rude and dishonest manner. When the third boy came along he was honest and polite so the gardener granted him with plenty of flowers.

The Cunning Crane and the Crab: The Crane was able to trick all the other fish and instead of taking them to the lake he would eat them. When all the fish were gone all that was left was a crab. The crab was smarter than the fish and he told the crane that he only felt comfortable holding the crane by the neck. When the crane tried to eat the crab, the crab threatened to the clip his neck. 

The crane picking up the fish. [Source]


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