Reading Notes... Twenty Jataka Tales (Part B)

Title: Twenty Jataka Tales
Author: Noor Inayat (Khan)

The Two Pigs:
The pigs were picked up by a woman who named them and raised them. One day the men came to her door asking if she would sell them a pig for her feast. She refused and they made her drink until she was drunk. When one of the pigs was lured to go, the other pig spoke sweet words. They reached the palace and the king ordered they be taken there and bathed in the sweetest perfume.

The Goblin Town:
Their ship sank and they were stranded on an island. Women came and told them to come live with them because they could feed them. They went to live with them and one day one of the men awoke and saw one of them turn into a goblin. He tried to escape but realized he was bound to chains.
The goblin town. [source]

The Forest Fire:
The little quail was not able to fly so he stayed in the forest and lived happily every after.


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