Growth Mindset... My favorite cats
I liked this image because I think a lot of times we become trapped in our own comfort zones and it doesn't allow for growth. It can often be scary to explore outside of what we know but we can accomplish so much if we only attempted what is outside of our safe space.
This is definitely a favorite because education is so important to me. Learning comes from curiosity. When people want to know something they will ask questions or research it. I used to be an education major and it is still such an important aspect for me. We have so much room to grow when we ask questions and then are able to teach others.
This one is somewhat of a goal for me. I struggle a lot with learning to let things go and not letting the past affect my future, It can be hard for me but I know that once I able to do that I can look as relaxed as the cat in the picture.
Hi Cathy! It is awesome that you like cats. I am actually not a huge fan of them and plus, I am a little allergic to them. However, what’s funny is that I can still pet them, but I would have to avoid rubbing my eyes or any other open areas of my body after touching them. I am glad you are a fan of their memes too!