Week 9 Story: King Shantanu and Present Day

Epified TV (India)

King Shantanu lived day and night awaiting the day that he would get to marry Satyavati. He wanted to offer her his kingdom where they could be together for years on end. He traveled on many conquests and though obstacles did arise, he always overcame them. He wanted nothing more than to spend his life with someone by his side. He wanted children who he could raise and teach the wonders of life. Satyavati did not want to marry the king. She had a plan for her life. She wanted to enjoy all the beautiful things that life had to offer and she felt that by marrying him she would be deprived of that.
King Shantanu asks Satyavati to be his bride. [Source]

Growing up, Satyavati, saw how women married so soon and did not have their independence. She wanted more for herself. She knew her capabilities and wanted to meet her potential. She wanted to marry when the time was right and when it was the right person. Satyavati did feel that with King Shantanu she would be settling.

Still, the king did try to conquer her heart but to no avail. The years kept passing by and King Shantanu grew hopeless. He thought that eventually, Satyavati, would change her mind and fall in love but time passed and that dream was slowly dying.

King Shantanu grew sick and his health was deteriorating. He made a last attempt to win Satyavati over but still she said no. The months passed and the king died. His kingdom was overwhelmed with grief and despair. His death was mourned by all. Word of his death eventually reached Satyavati and she traveled to Hastinapura. When she arrived she was not allowed in. The people that saw her were angry. A young man went up to her and said, "You should not have come. All of the years that the king spent trying to win your love, he neglected his health. Some even think he died of a broken heart. You are the omen of this kingdom and should never return."

Satyavati was distraught. She had been blinded by her own needs and she never cared to place any interest in the king. She then realized she never gave him the chance. She developed her own judgment and never changed her mind. Now, he was dead and she was not allowed in to the kingdom. Satyavati swore she would never marry any man on earth for as long as she was on it. This was her own punishment because of the regret she felt for her actions.

Author's Note: This story was derived from the Indian Epic "The Mahabharata." I added a twist to the story where the only thing that keeps King Shantanu from winning Satyavati is that she wants her sense of independence. I made the story somewhat relevant to present day because that it what a lot of relationships to struggle with when it comes to marriage. 


  1. Hey Catalina! I just wanted to say that I loved your story! Wow! I can see that you put a lot of hard work and creativity into your writing! You also grabbed my attention and had it till the very end! Therefore, keep up the good work! I look forward to reading more of your stories! Good luck with the rest of your semester! It is close to being over! Also, have a good weekend!

  2. Hi Catalina, this was an interesting story! I think it's interesting that at first she is blamed for not wanting to marry someone, but I like that you link it back to the fact that she never gave him a chance. I think it might be odd if someone spent their entire life trying to date one person, but the way you tell it, you can really tell that the king cares about her.

  3. Hey Catalina,

    Such a great story. The ending for Satyavati was so devastating. She never gave the King a chance and she missed her opportunity. I think you did a very good job with how you held this story together and delivered it. Great work

  4. Hi Catalina. This was a very interesting read. I think both Stayavati and King Shantanu live very tragic lives, but they are tragic in unique ways. You definitely gave the tale a novel spin by making Satyavati the reason the king died. If this story were to be played out, it would be interesting to see if Satyavati would herself fall in love, and because of her promise, also die of a lonely heart. Great job with this story!

  5. Hi Catalina! Wow, this was a great story! Just like Haley mentioned above me, you definitely gave it a spin for sure by making Satyavati the reason that King Shantanu died. I really liked the dialogue you added in your story from a young man to Satyavati. I write a lot of dialogue in my stories so I know it takes a lot of thought on what sounds right for the situation so you did a really good job with that. I can tell you really put in work this story. Great job!

  6. Hi Catalina! I like your “King Shantanu and Present Day” story. King Shantanu must have loved Satyavati sincerely since he wanted to offer the whole kingdom to her. His love and determination toward Satyavati seem resolute and he overcame all the obstacles along the way. It’s tragic that Satyavati didn’t want to marry King Shantanu, but I think the king ought to respect that. Satyavati sounds like a modern woman who wants to enjoy all the life’s pleasures and experiences. Nevertheless, I agree with Satyavati that she ought to enjoy her youth and life! It’s sad that the king died before realizing his dream of marrying Satyavati! I think Satyavati should have respected her life decision and should have left a testament to his people that they ought to respect Satyavati’s decision if he truly loved her. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your story and really like your story!

  7. Hey Catalina! I love this version of the story, but I have to say that I'm sad that Satyavati continued to live her life with regret, when I feel like she wasn't responsible for King Shantanu's death! Women are often made to feel guilty for not wanting to be with good men that are in love with them, without taking into account that the women just love themselves more than they could love the man. I love how in this story, Satyavati did not let Shantanu feel as if he was entitled to her love just because of the way he felt about her and I wish she carried that notion for the rest of her life!

  8. Hi Catalina! Wow, this was a great story! I really loved it and I am glad I read it. You really changed it up in a good way by making Satyavati have such a big impact in the story. You have a good way of telling stories because it really made me want to read more and find out what was going to happen next. One suggestion I do have is write more of dialogues. I also got this suggestion and I think it really changes up the way readers read the story. Anyways good luck!


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