Reading Notes... Part B Ramayan

Ramayana PDE
By: Valmiki

The point of view is in third person. I have been thinking about the point of view in which I would choose to write a story and I think it would be easier to write it in third person. However, I am looking to challenge myself and write it in first person and have the plot follow one character throughout and look into their experiences from their perspective.

The character that I would choose to narrate in third person would probably be male simply because I want to veer away from narrating a female so that I am able to be creative and not put personal thoughts into the character itself. Some of the sentences in the story can be confusing and I reread twice to understand because of the language used. That is something I would like to do different. Vocabulary that is descriptive but also concise enough to be understood clearly is something very important in my opinion.

The image above is from "Dasharatha's Funeral" which I personally liked. 


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